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Best Tips for Safely Moving During a Pandemic

Best Tips for Safely Moving During a Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our everyday lives. It has also affected the way we do infrequent things like buying a house or moving homes.

People are still moving around South Africa, and they want to do it safely. 

Fortunately, there are several things that people can do to stay safe while moving to a new home. Many of the tips are from organizations like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It is important to remember that researchers are continuing to learn about the virus and how it affects people of all ages. 

Social Distancing During a Move

One of the most important and repeated defenses against the virus is social distancing.

This is keeping at least 1.5 meters of space between you and the people around you. The CDC recommends that people do not gather in groups and that we avoid crowded areas. 

So, moving in a pandemic means that you should be very picky about the people who enter your home to help you move. You should pack your items yourself, as a way to limit your contact with other people. 

Wearing a Mask

The CDC and the WHO have learned that wearing a mask is another way to reduce the chances of catching the virus.

So, if you do have a moving company help you, be sure that the movers, your family, and anyone helping you move wears a mask over their nose and mouth. 

They should wear them at all times when in your home, and when in close contact with other people in the truck. The best masks are the medical-grade or industrial-grade masks rather than the fabric ones. 

Call to See if Services are Available

Areas around the country have different standards for businesses that are open. Moving companies might not be open in your area.

So, before you move, check with the individual companies to see what their procedures are for moving.

Some might only move short distances, or they might have limitations based on mileage allowances or other factors. 

You might find that a moving company that would pack your things will no longer do that due to safety precautions. They might only have one driver, so they might not be able to travel long distances. They might ask you to remain outside when they are moving furniture and boxes out of your home.

Do-It-Yourself Move

If you have to move and you are reluctant to hire strangers to enter your home and move your things, you can do the work yourself.

Truck rental companies might have different reservations procedures. They also might have procedures that maintain social distancing when you pick up your rental truck. 

How Do You Get a Quote from a Moving Company?

Most likely, you will not get a moving company to come to your home for an in-person quote. Instead, they might ask you to take pictures or send a video to determine moving costs.

You can expect to complete a survey about the objects you need to move so they can provide you with an estimate.

Moving companies want to protect their employees, so they are less likely to visit homes. 

Will Your Moving Company Have a COVID-19 Policy?

The answer is yes!

Commercial businesses should all have COVID-19 policies that meet the standards set by the local or national government. You should be able to find the policy online, or you could ask a customer service representative to explain it to you. 

The company should have procedures for cleaning the trucks, entering homes, and maintaining social distancing requirements. They should also include protocols for mask-wearing and washing hands. They also have protocols in place for moments when customers and employees claim that they do not feel well. 

How Should You Pack?

Before you begin packing, talk to your moving company to see if they have any advice to simplify the job. Then, buy what you need at one store, so you do not expose yourself by having to visit several stores at different times.

Your movers should be able to give you an estimate of the numbers of boxes you need for your possessions. 

As you pack, take the time to clean your belongings. Use disinfectant wipes and spray sanitizer to clean your things. Consider the small things like switches on lamps or handles of hairbrushes. Remember to label the boxes.

Lastly, have everything packed before the movers arrive. You do not want to get too close to the movers, and they will want to maintain social distancing space from you. 

Should You Move?

The answer to this question depends on your personal situation.

If you are in a high-risk group or you have a condition that could worsen if you get the virus, you might want to consider whether your health and safety are worth moving. 

Good luck!

13 Aug 2020
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